onsdag 21. september 2011

A follow-up on my cask project.

OK, this is a follow-up on this post http://www.maltdiary.com/2011/06/making-my-own-whisky-in-1-2-3.html from 27th. of June this year. I set some cream sherry in cask#1 on 19th of march and refilled it with new-make from Glenglassaugh distillery at 50% on 15th. of June this summer. Now I know this is far from whisky yet, but with such a small cask I've been warned to be very careful as it matures much faster and the wood impact can soon become a bit too big. Anyway, the glass in front of the cow holds the result as of today, and it seems to have gotten a very nice color in just over 3 months. I just hope that the alcohol hasn't evaporated too much, bear in mind only 50%abv newmake.

Let's give it a small tasting note just for fun.

Dark red color, way darker than the spirit drink that blushes... Smells heavy sherried, prunes, cinnamon, earthy, coffee, dark chocolate, not bad at all I must say, and from what I can smell there are still well above 40%abv in this one. The taste then? Oh, this is too sweet for me, I recognize the taste of malt spirit, but the sweet sherry influence is rather extreme. And it is so thick, sweet and a bit smoky, a sherry monster... no,no,no.. it's A SHERRY MONSTER!!!! Anyway, if you are into heavy sherry this is very good, but for me? I can drink one occasionally, but right now it is just a bit too much of the good stuff. Water helps and in the end I consider this a nice dessert whisky, could be put on vanilla ice cream or had on rocks as well.

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