tirsdag 24. juli 2012

Tasting 4 Benromach's + a meddling Cameronbridge

First of all, the reason I have put a Cameronbridge single grain at 51.9% in the middle of these Benromachs, is that between the 2nd and third Benromach in this tasting it differs no less than 20%abv. And 51.9 being about right in the middle of 43 and 63, and a spirit that otherwise will not affect my tastebuds too much, I think it'll work as a smooth transition from the 43%abv to the 63%abv. And the cow is now on a ladder...

Benromach 17yo 1981-1998 40% OB Centenary Bottling

The color is orange bright hue. It smells light, nutty, pistachio, fresh, hardly complex. The taste is sweet, grape juice, hard jelly, fruits and berries, sweet as it gets really, but hard to distinguish any real flavors as this burnt sugar finish comes on a bit soon, and lasts much longer than what you'd expect at 40%abv. Oh yes, its a perfumy one too.

A starter whisky: 4

Benromach 21yo 43% OB

This one also has that brightness which it gets from E150. It smells very light, some mint, fruity notes and fabric softener. Again I find it hard to grasp some real notes, very shy spirit. The taste is perfumy, onions, mint, fresh herbs, grassy, maybe some water will help it open up a bit? Now it gets fruitier, some wax and honey, otherwise its still an exceptionally quiet whisky.

Adding water did help a bit in this one: 4.5

Cameronbridge 30yo 1979-2009 51.9% Duncan Taylor cask#3585

Still a very good grain whisky: 6.5

Benromach 13yo 1982-1996 63% Gordon & Macphail Cask cask#1335,1341

Brown color, sherried? It smells rich cream and spirity. Vodka and baileys? Not much whisky in this one so far. Perhaps it needs a drop of water? Lets try it bare first. The taste is sweet, fruit gums, concentrated sweetness, milk and honey. But the high strength shows of a bit, and water is needed. Now it turns extremely grassy and peppery, not much enjoyable. Even if the crazy strength did put me a bit off at first I'd actually enjoy this much more when neat. Yes, its just very perfumy too, and oaky.

If diluted (1point), if neat: 5.5

Benromach 18yo 1976-1995 65% Cadenhead's

I believe this is the only 70's distillation in this session, except from the Cameronbridge of course. The color is dirty brown, you know the ones one might find in fino- casked whisky. Smells bitter, sweet, hay, honey, tannic, raw onions, garlic, cumin, curry powder. The taste is creamy, lemon, orange zest, seems much lighter than 65%abv. Maken me think of some cream cake and lime fudge. Waxy too, but not perfumy like the previous ones. The finish is a bit drying, vanilla, ginger and cream.

A good Benromach but might fool you believing its a 40%abv: 6.5

Next tasting: Braes of Glenlivet Distillery

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