søndag 4. november 2012

Tasting one Glenburgie

I've never tried many Gleburgies, but some of those that I've tried have been great, including some Glencraigs, distilled on the now dismantled Lomond Still. Let's try another Glenburgie from a while back.

Glenburgie/Beinaigen 18yo 1976-1994 58.7% The Whisky Connoisseur

The color on this one is deep amber/orange. It smells of phenols, paint thinner, oily, malty, smoky, peat, oaky, burning, nettles, spirity. The taste is peaty, oaky, very intense, I believe it needs some water to open up, because now its just a bit too concentrated to fully enjoy. Now it turns heavier, more spicy, nutmeg, cloves, bitter seeds, raw onions, grapefruit, lemon seeds, lime rind, extremely bitter. The finish is on sour notes. Though this sure didn't sound to appetizing, I must say that its a malt that, if given water and enough time will become fairly pleasant in its own bitter way.

I've had many better Glenburgies than this: 3

Next tasting: Mortlach Distillery

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