onsdag 19. desember 2012

Tasting 2 unlikely Aberlours

Why unlikely? Well, the first being an older bourbon casked expression, not many of those around. The other being a very young high strength spirit, made way before the A'bunadh bottlings were prominent on the shelves.

Aberlour 19yo 1970-1990 46% Signatory Vintage cask#236,237,238,239 btl.678/2400

If only miniatures could talk... Some evaporation in this one. The color is dark golden. It smells of peppery and spirity notes, quite dreadful. No speyside fruitiness here. And seems almost more like a new-make than a whisky. Opens up on some clay and malt after awhile, but no vast improvement. The taste is sweet, nutty, oranges, glue, papery, vinegar, seems better on the palate. Perhaps water will help as of now, the finish is just a bit too bitter and vinegary for me. Now it turns more bitter, tonic water, grassy, orange peel, very bitter. Sorry, I have little good, and little at all in fact, to say about this one, perhaps the oxidation got the better of it.

Barely drinkable, hardly enjoyable: 2

Aberlour 7yo 1990-1997 63% Clydesdale cask#9313

A young monster? The color is pale golden. It smells fresh, kiwi, mango, honey, apple juice, oranges, watermelon, grapefruit, as fruity as it gets. Surely the wrong season to have this summery malt, but quality is quality. The taste is dry, bitter, sweet herbs, smoky, barbecue sauce, honey, oily, sweet mustard, syrup, this is absolutely superb for a whisky this age. Great stuff by Clydesdale! I can't help keep wondering where they sourced this cask? Aberlous, not Clydesdale that is.

Really a tasting of contrasts: 8.5

Next tasting: Fettercairn Distillery

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