onsdag 5. februar 2014

Rob Roy NAS 40% blend Stanley P Morrison Ltd.

One in a while I love to try these old 80's, early 90's blends that really can be anything from stellar to crap. Many Morrison blends includes some Bowmore, and hopefully this one also does. The color is golden, with that adjusted shine. It smells very little, some mushrooms and a tad oily, but that's about it. Maybe it needs to breath a bit more, or the evaporation you see in the picture has gotten the best of it. After about 15 minutes of breathing, no changes. The taste is sweet, marcipan, peppermint, peat, salmi, licorice, white peppers. I can definitively see some Bowmore in this one, but it isn't very complex. The finish is peppery with quite some dry licorice/salmi again. 

A pretty sleepy dram, not much going on, but its not boring thanks to the peat and salmi notes: 6

Next tasting: More blend, but this time a recent one...

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