søndag 14. september 2014

Talisker 8yo 1995-2003 46% High Spirits S.r.l.

The cork stopper dissolved when i first opened this bottle. I don't know if that has affected the quality of the spirit. Let's hope not. Independently bottled Taliskers are rare, but maybe even rarer at such a young age. The color is golden. It smells sweet, malty, roasted nuts, wheat flour, grainy, corn cobs, baked beans, horseradish. Not a very coastal Talisker. Little peat as well. The taste is grainy, beans, cauliflower, musty, quite plain so to speak. Lets add some water to try bring some life to this youngster. Now it turns into a more heathery, perfumy thing, old yarn and denim is what I find initially. Water also makes it more full-bodied with aromas of butter and sea salt. It leaps up a few points with water in my opinion. The finish is briny, on leather and peat. Much better now. 

Water and air helps make this a very pleasant experience: 6

Next tasting: Laphroaig Distillery

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