tirsdag 16. februar 2010

2 North Port Brechins tasted between 1.4.2008-28.5.2011

North Port Brechin 20yo 1970-1990 40% Connoisseurs Choice Gordon & Macphail

North Port Brechin is one of those closed distilleries almost impossible to find today. It has a sort of caramelized and sweet smell, as a soft creme cheese. the odors are quite perfumy, like some strange woody fahrenheit. The taste is very peppery and wheat-like dry. With some water it gets softer. This is an honest whisky, I guess once upon a time this was a working class gem, but with todays prices it's unfortunately not worth it.

An old-fashioned classic malty malt: 5.5

North Port-Brechin 19yo 1974-1993 40% CC G&M

Really amber golden whisky, fresh smell that tickles the nostrils. Also some rose, marcipan and ammonia, pretty complicated actually. In the tasting, it's characteristics are sweet, light, butter and pretty plane. A victim of the 80's.

Promising take-off, troubled landing: 5.5

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