onsdag 9. mars 2011

6 Glen Morays tasted between 1.4.2008-28.5.2011

Glen Moray 10yo 40% OB

A flat bottle similar to those of OB's bottles by G&M a decade or two back. Label seems weary so it could be from about the same time. Another pale one this, Smells of apple vinegar and cinnamon, a nice combination although again very light. The taste is bitter and raw, unpleasant. This taste of rotten ropes and iron kills it dead, perhaps some water can mellow it down a bit. With water added it gets a bit sweeter, but still there's these weird rotten woody flavors.

All in all a disappointment: 2

Glen Moray 27yo 1962-1989 55.1% Cadenhead's

This one I've been looking forward to all week, as Glen Moray is far from a favourite amongst the IB's, rare to be found at CS and at an age above 18yo. I don't know for how long the Glen Moray distillery have matured their whisky exclusively in wine casks, if for long it's going to be something new, if not, an extremely rare occasion. The colour is pretty dark, bronze-like. It smells even better than the Fettercairn, definately some sort of wine cask. it's sweet, raisins, plums, cooked apples, fresh fruits, apple cake straight from oven, cinnamon, it's absolutely beautiful. The taste is at first sweet, many of the flavours on the nose, but then it sort of gets a bit bitter and dies. Water brings a bit of life and gives way to hints of bitter red wine on the finish.

A pleasant experience: 7.5

Glen Moray 12yo 40% OB

I'm doing a bit of time travelling today and trying some older bottlings that probably never really had their glory days. This Glen Moray is not the same as the current version, but an older, paler version from the 70's or 80's. The smell is huge, spicy, malt syrup, pekanese duck soho style, barbeque, not that winey, but still a bit acidic. I'm tempted to believe the %abv have increased a bit in this one due to evaporation. The taste is very grainy, woody, some peppers, water please! Just a small drop of water makes it as soft as it gets, not unlike the 5yo Glen Grant. This is an either/or whisky. It can suite both the masochist and the finer connoisseur, but it probably won't blow any of them away.

No ace but very different from the current version: 4

Glen Moray 12yo 40% OB for Japan

One from Japan or something, at least if I judge the signs on the bottle right. So I'm only assuming this to be 40%. What I know is that it's, like almost all other Glen Moray OB's, matured in some sort of white wine cask. The smell is kind of boring, reminds me slightly of champagne, or it's actually just like champagne. The taste is very easy, nothing to complain about, but again amazingly boring. Hard to recognize any flavours at all except maybe some dry white wine. It's funny that I need to dilute a 40% to find flavours, but with water some earthy notes appears, but the aftertaste is still silent.

Nothing to get excited about I'm afraid: 4

Glen Moray 16yo 40% OB

When I tried the 8yo I thought it was too sweet and lacked complexity, let's see on double age. It definately has much of the same concentrated sweetness, with some more more oakiness. The taste is acidic and spirity, some canned pear and coconutmilk. Unfortunately there aren't much to be said about the finish, some drops of water helps a little smokiness to diverge.

Powerful at first, then it dies: 6

Glen Moray 8yo 40% OB

Young and sweet, but far too sweet for my taste buds. Taste a bit of ripe pears and non-fizzy softdrinks. Perhaps a whisky that can satisfy curious newbies, but lacks really both taste and substance.

Needs a couple more years in the cask: 2

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