lørdag 28. mai 2011

8 Glen Mhors tasted between 1.4.2008-28.5.2011

Glen Mhor 27yo 1982-2009 55% Signatory Vintage

Glen Mhor is one that I believe G&M sits on most old stock of, but it can be a superb malt. Smells light, sweet, ginger bread, sweet red peppers, malty, creamy, coconut, wood. The taste is peppery with some sweet red wine notes, carrot stew, minced garlic and different fruity and nutty hints. This is one I could play with all evening as it just keeps on showing new sides of itself. Unfortunately it doesn't take water well.

Good stuff: 6.5

Glen Mhor 15yo 1978-1993 62.2% Gordon and Macphail cask#2263,2264,2266,2268

A Glen Mhor at this strength is something hard to find these days, I've only tasted Glen Mhor's diluted down to about 40%abv. I hope this will show what Glen Mhor was really all about. Golden colour, bourbon casks or just plain european oak? It has the most amazing smell of roasted spare ribs, barbecue, freshly washed linens, dried hay, leather, dom perignon, custard sauce and egg-nog. The taste is peppery with sea salt and garlic, onions, mustard, sort of french-kitchen inspired. The aftertaste is peppery and sandy, sort of summers whisky, on the beach, perfect with sea food.

Seems when it comes to G&M, there's still old gold to be found: 8.5

Glen Mhor 28yo 1976-2004 51.9% Rare Malts

Glen Mhor isn't recognized post mortem the way other distilleries such as Lochside, Glenugie or st. Magdalene, I believe that could be much due to Gordon and Macphail's been sitting on almost all the left stock. One thing's for sure, it can be fantastic! This one is pale, smells of vanilla , lots of heavy sweetness, molasses, banana and apricot marmalade. The taste is sweet and extremely zesty, lots of citrus fruits. Lemons and old gin? Not much like a single malt, but an exciting dram anyway.

Citrussy fresh whisky with a alcohol sting: 6.5

Glen Mhor 27yo 1982-2009 59% Signatory Vintage

Glen Mhor is also a whisky that is no longer made, but not nearly as hyped as the Brora. The nose is spirity and grassy, old barnyard style. It's very sweet, vanilla, Bourbon-matured, coca cola, and grassy with a fat texture. It has a rich delicate vanilla flavour that goes on for quite some time. The finish is spectacular, sawdust, lots of dried spices and herbs, green tea and loads and loads of chili.

Glen Mhor, to me a dearly departed: 7

Glen Mhor 14yo 1978-1993 43% Signatory Vintage cask#4041-4041 btl.867/2400

To find a Glen Mhor at such a young age today is rather a rarity. I'd like to point that it's also a rarity to find it at such a delicate abv, with usually all of the closed distilleries now bottled at cask strength. This one needs some time to develop. Not much flavours, some seaweed maybe, cooked salty water. The taste is minty with a sting of alcohol, the aftertaste is even more minty. This is another bland whisky that lacks lots of character, perhaps best served at cask strength?

An unmemorable experience: 5

Glen Mhor 15yo 1979-1994 66.7% Cask Gordon & Macphail cask#2377-2378

The Glen Mhor Distillery, once seen as merely a mediocre speyside-distillery is now reaching sky high prices around on auctions and so on. This is a trad oak matured whisky at a crazy 66.7%abv despite being 15yo. I've never been a fan of the new industrial regulations of about 63.5%abv. in new make spirit. This has a very fresh scent, but one can't see apart the extreme alcohol. The taste is fantastic, even undilluted at 66.7%abv. it's sweet, caramel, chocolate and marzipan. It's like a fine dessert. The aftertaste is bittersweet, tonic water, brown sugar and much more. I recommend this to anyone who like a strong whisky with rich flavours without having to dillute. Have this with a cigar. Enjoy!

A fantastic whisky, at a perfect strength, 63.5% my @$$: 9

Glen Mhor 15yo 40% Gordon & Macphail

A bottling outside the classic series from Gordon & Macphail. This long closed distillery is here offered with a very dark colour and a beautiful oaky scent, a bit like the christmas tree right after it gets housewarm. It's sweet, much vanilla, bourbon, fruity, banana essence and a finish which is bold and dry, but without any smokiness.

A very solid malt: 7

Glen Mhor 8yo 40% Gordon & McPhail

This one has a mild scent of apple liqueur and roses, quite promising actually. But these nuances disappears tastewise, and I'm left with not much more than hints of some confectioner colouring. Glen Mhor is rarely mentioned and much of the reason must be the lack of flavours.

Exciting smell, catastrophical taste: 3

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