mandag 24. november 2014

Lord Calvert NAS 40% OB

To try to reinstall my faith in affordable Canadian whisky, after the Hamilton affair, I've now picked one from the back of my shelf. Lord Calvert, I have very little information on him, as I still have on Lord Balliol or other Lords of different countries. At least, the maple leaf leaves little doubt about its provenance. I found this to be an intriguing option after having a spectacular Canadian Club awhile ago. It's all from barrels, which means it matures rapidly, good! The color is golden. It smells sweet, cinnamon, sugar, honey liqueur, mint, mint leaves, quite refreshing, some spearmint and lemongrass. It says "smooth & round taste", that very well be true in this. The taste is oaky, some astringent spirity notes, cotton and perfume, slight hints of licorice. I've had better... Lets add some water. Now it turns more rubbery, some herbal notes, basil leaves, grass, cardamom, nestles, cream fudge. More rubber in the finish. 

Easy-drinking, light stuff, but very hard to enjoy: 3.5

Next tasting: Surprise, but guaranteeing some scotch!

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