torsdag 13. november 2014

Highland Queen NAS 40% Scotch Whisky Company

This is the whisky that I currently use whenever I serve Irish Coffee. It's a cheap blend, it's been made since 1561, apparently, and I've never had it straight before. Let's have a go then. The color is reddish golden with that E-shine. The company that blends this is called "Scotch Whisky Company", which to me sounds like a tall order. Perhaps they rely on foreigners not being able to distinguish between "Scotch" and "Scottish". It smells quite sweet, gingerbread, milk chocolate, cocoa, maple syrup, corn starch, butter, all very light and easy, touches of camphor. Sweet and light thus far. The taste is quite spirity, some stale white wine, stale wheat beer maybe, its not good on the palate, in any sense, but very easy. Perhaps one that goes around between weary men at a harbor somewhere. 

Back to the coffee, Queen!: 2.5

Next tasting: Canadian everyday dram..

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