torsdag 10. juni 2010

3 Tormores tasted between 1.4.2008-28.5.2011

Tormore 12yo 43% OB

A french speaking label, either this is abv-adjusted for the french market or it's an older standard version. I'll put my money on the older version as the Tormore aren't a very prominent whisky in france. It smells fresh, caramel, honey, cinnamon and red apples. The taste is very sweet, grapes, plums, sweets, a bit minty and floral. It's first of all a fresh and clean whisky, but the aftertaste is a bit off. Some burnt notes, leaves me with a bitter taste. All in all a good malt though.

An everyday malt for lightweight connoisseurs: 5.5

Tormore 12yo 1990-2002 65.9% Blackadder Raw Cask cask#1964

A Tormore above 65%, just when I thought I'd seen it all... Tormore is a nice distillery, no doubt, but can it's light speyside flavours handle this strenght? The nose is special to say the least, magic mushrooms and paint thinner, a trip for sure! The taste is extremely dry and oaky, but with a very strong aftertaste of applecore and grain. What I dislike about the raw Cask serie of Blackadder is that it almost always contain a big part of cask sediments. Now, with water it becomes a bit salty and peppery. Very nice actually. An easy, strong and charming whisky.

Not too bad, but I wish they'd given it more time in the cask: 6.5

Tormore 10yo 40% OB

An 80's bottling, 2 years younger than today's standard bottling. It gets misty when poured, almost like wheat beer. First it's pretty flowery, with some burnt sugar. The taste is mild and round, camphorcandy, caramel liqueur, candyfloss, summer breeze and freshly fried pancakes.

A nice summermalt: 7

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