fredag 15. april 2011

6 Glen Keiths tasted between 1.4.2008-28.5.2011

Glenisla/Glen Keith 28yo 1977-2005 48.6% Signatory Vintage

Going from my own experimental stuff to this one, lightly peated and produced at Glen Keith Distillery. Golden color, smells extreme, peaty as hell, what kind of monster is this? Waxy, almost a bit tainted, oily, paint thinner. This is abnormal for such an old whisky, it's almost new-make-ish, what'd happen if they let this one sit for a decade or two more? The taste is citric and intense, lots going on, like lime flavoured Tavener's drops. The green ones from the fruity jar. There's also wax again, hints of sweet peat, like a lighter and less coastal version of Laphroaigs. This is really hard to describe as I have to forget both distillery and age, but if it were, let's say a young Laphroaig or Ardbeg, it'd be prime examples. So if I'm not mistaken, this might be the best Glen Keith I've tried so far.

Try this beside a regular Glen Keith, and be amazed: 6.5

Glen Keith 13yo 1995-2008 43% Chieftain's cask#44146/48/50 1572btls.

Glen keith is a mothballed distillery, I don't know if it ever function again as it seems like its hardly missed amongst the single malt connoisseurs. This smells malty, round, not too interesting. The taste is really nice, vanilla, honey, malty, very light. It's an easy appetizer malt, one to have before a good meal. The aftertaste is quite short, just a slight peppery taste. I wish they didn't dilute this as much.

Fine Glen Keith: 6

Glen Keith 20yo 1990-2010 52.1% Malts of Scotland cask#13678

Time to try one from the temporarily(?) silent distillery Glen Keith, hasn't gotten much of the attention many of the other mothballed distilleries have. I haven't been too impressed by it, but maybe this CS will surprise me. Such old casks of CS from renowned IB's are usually very good. Smells spirity, very sweet with lots of vanilla flavours. It's an extremely dry and spirity malt, needs definately water, this one smells a lot higher in %abv. than 52%. With water it gets firmer, easier, even more vanilla, a straight-forward bourbon-matured malt, and in that category it could make a name for itself, but at this age I expected a bit more.

Fresh, vanilla, but add water: 6

Glen Keith 33yo 1971-2005 50.8% Duncan Taylor

A dark sherried malt from the distillery of Glen Keith, which I'm yet to taste a really good whisky from. It has a heavy but nice sweet roasted smell, a bit like tawny port. The first taste is very sherried, not dry, but kind of bitter. A small splash of water gives it just a little less bitterness, but unfortunately it doesn't enhance any other flavours. The aftertaste is short, some pepper and unripe apples.

Not a disappointing whisky, but at this price?: 4.5

Glen Keith 12yo 1993-2005 46% Connoisseurs Choice Gordon & Macphail

Well, I know it's ridicolous to try a CC-bottling of a speyside malt after the cask strength peat explosion 10 minutes ago, but I have another sample, so here it goes. The nose is mild, but opens up on some thyme and chamomile if given some time. The taste is very spirity, not nice at all, like chewing weeds (the horticultural ones). With water it doesn't really get any better. This will be my first slaughter on the 46% CC's.

Hope I get my hands on other Glen Keiths to erase this one from my memory: 1.5

Glenkeith 1983 10yo 43% OB

Glenkeith was a small scale distillery, now closed. Very fresh fragrances, hints of peppermint and green tea. Soft tasting, some sweet liquorice, quite herbal actually as there's a hint of bitter schnaps, woody aftertaste.

Comfortable, but too light: 5.5

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