mandag 16. januar 2012

Cask project: Work in progress

A couple months or so back, I told you I was going to do another cask project, which means putting new-make spirit on casks myself and see what happens. An now, after about 8-10 weeks of fino sherry (left side), and amoroso sherry (right side) in cask, I have emptied the small casks and added the Tullibardine spirit of 69%abv. As you might be able to spot, the fino sherry has gotten quite a hue, but that's mainly caused by the cask holding cherry wine in last cask attempt. But what's more of a mystery to me is why the fino sherry seems to gave evaporated so much more than the amoroso, as the contents were equal and so has temperature and all other things been. Anyway, let's see how this goes. I won't set a time limit as I'll be sampling along the way this time to try and perfect the result as much as humanly possible. Remember: Things do happen at a rapid pace in small casks.

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